“Serving as a sponsor of the Sustainability Summit has brought visibility to our organization and put us in contact with businesses from across the state. As the Sustainability Summit grows in importance, we want to be part of their growth.”
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Tom Eggert
Executive Director
WI Sustainable Business Council
“The staff and students at Lakeshore Technical College anticipate the Sustainability Summit every year. It is always a top quality event with national and international presenters, large new ideas, tremendous industry contacts, and a casual atmosphere. Plan to join us there this year.”
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Doug Lindsey, Dean
Energy Education Center
Lakeshore Technical College
“The Sustainability Summit is one of the outstanding corporate-academic conferences in the country. The program is always filled with useful information. I wouldn't miss it.”
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Debra Rowe
US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
“Sponsorship of the Sustainability Summit has proven to be an excellent way for our company to enhance the visibility of our green initiatives and share with others the bottom line benefits of sustainable business practices.”
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Jeramy Lemieux
“Excellent opportinities to network with other exhibitors, attendees, and experts in all renewable energy technologies.”
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Ed Blume
RENEW Wisconsin