Workshops Friday, March 6
The Sustainability Summit continues with workshops presented at different locations on Friday, March 6. Registration for each session is separate, and members of the public are encouraged to attend.
*Rooms at UWM Freshwater Sciences, Great Lakes Research Facility, 600 E. Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee
**Auditorium at Global Water Center, 247 Freshwater Way, Milwaukee
*** Held at Growing Power, 5500 West Silver Spring, Milwaukee
Note each workshop presenter provides their own separate registration link.
Click on the green heading of the workshop to expand details on the workshop and registration information.
Session #1 - Cool Choices: The Fun, Social and Easy Way to Engage
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Presenter: Kathy Kuntz & Raj Shukla, Cool Choices
Topic/Description:Corporate sustainability initiatives gain momentum when employees are engaged—when sustainability is part of the corporate culture. But how do you make that happen?
Cool Choices works with companies to implement employee engagement programs that make sustainability a fun, social and easy choice. In this workshop Cool Choices staff will provide an overview of change strategies and give attendees an opportunity to develop innovative approaches for encouraging employees to adopt sustainable practices. Attendees will leave the workshop with practical ideas they can implement in their own workplaces to engage employees, increase innovation and reduce waste.
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: **UWM School of Freshwater Sciences
Fees/Credits: FREE
Registration:Register Here
Session #2 Basic Photovoltaics (PV 101) Presented by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (1 hr. break, 12-1)
Presenters: Clay Sterling, MREA Regional Training Officer
Description: This course teaches the basics of solar electric (PV) systems. Participants will learn how PV systems work, identify system types, identify and describe components, discuss applications and limitations of each system type, define the “solar window,” discuss energy efficiency, and estimate system costs. Workshops #2 and #3 are offered by the MREA. For their full training offerings, go to www.midwestrenew.org/courses
Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (1 hr. break, 12-1)
Location: **Room 3097, UWM School of Freshwater Sciences, 600 E. Greenfield Avenue
Fees/Credits: $90 for MREA Members; $110 for non-members
Registration:Register Here
Session #3 - Introduction to Wind Systems (W 101) Presented by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (1 hr. break, 12-1)
Jenny Heinzen, MREA Training Coordinator
A Workshop on Developing Sustainability Metrics and Sustainability Programs in WI
Description: This course teaches the basics of small wind electric systems by defining wind energy and describing how residential wind energy systems work. Participants will identify system parts, discuss tower types and heights, examine the available power in the wind, and identify steps that improve a wind turbine’s performance. Workshops #2 and #3 are offered by the MREA. For their full training offerings, go to www.midwestrenew.org/courses
Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (1 hr. break, 12-1)
Location: *Room 3098, UWM School of Freshwater Sciences, 600 E. Greenfield Avenue
Fees/Credits: $90 for MREA Members; $110 for non-members
Registration: Register Here
Session #4 Practical Fish Health Assessment in Aquaculture and Aquaponics Systems
Time: 1 – 4 PM
Presenter: Dr. Jhonathan Sepulveda, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences
Description: Tank based aquaculture and aquaponics are increasingly more appealing food production alternatives. Disease and other impacts to fish health are major challenges to the successful operation of an aquaculture system. This workshop will provide practical information on how to monitor fish health, how to identify the most common diseases in aquaculture fish, treatment and prevention strategies. The workshop will include a lecture component, and physical observation of healthy and diseased fish specimens, in our quarantine facility.
Time: 1 – 4 PM
Location: *UWM School of Freshwater Sciences, 600 E Greenfield Ave. Room - Lab 1080
Fees/Credits: $25 to cover lab materials. Payments can be by check or cash, payable on arrival or by mail by Feb. 27th; Payable to UW Milwaukee, mail to: Lindsay G. Frost, UWM School of Freshwater Sciences, 600 E. Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2944
Registration: Lindsay Frost at . Limited to the first 15 registrants
Session #5 Appropriate Technology and Communication for Potable Water Distribution System Assessment, Design, and Construction
Time: 9:00 am - 12 Noon
Presenter: Marissa Jablonski and TBD
Description: This 3-hour workshop will include hands-on training and discussion of topics that involve appropriate technology to assess and implement a gravity-fed water distribution system in Guatemala including: Abney Level Land Surveying; Mapping and Assessment with the Community; Pipeline Construction (PVC and galvanized pipe); Concrete Structure Construction (Spring Box, Distribution Tank, Chlorinator, Break Pressure Tank); Water Quality Testing
These topics have been used by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Student Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB@UWM) during their travels to the Ixil Region of Guatemala.
Time: 9:00 am - 12 Noon
Location:Science Laboratory followed by outdoor land survey (dress for the weather). Room Lab - 1080
Fees/Credits:$5 (cash please), payable on arrival at workshop. Goes to help prepare EWB students traveling.
Registration:Email Marissa Jablonski at . Limited to the first 24 registrants.
Session #6a and #6b GN101 – Intro to Water Management
Times(2): 6A 8:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. (begins First Floor Lab) 6b 9:45 – 12:00 noon (begins Auditorium)
Presenters: Shajan John, President, Mahattil International LLC/ New Works, and Michael D. Schuck, P.E., Instructor - Water Technology, Gateway Technical College
Description: This session identifies key opportunities in the water industry and provides a visual representation of how water reaches the consumer and how the water returns to the environment post use. Rain gardens and bioretention basins are widely used to allow stormwater to percolate into native soil, reduce runoff and increase recharge. Participants will learn about models and tests used in designing rain gardens/bioretention basins and how Gateway Tech students and staff designed rain gardens for the Kenosha campus Pike Creek Horticulture Center.
Time:6a 8:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. 6b 9:45 – 12:00 noon
Location: Global Water Center, 247 West Freshwater Way – First Floor Lab and Auditorium
Fees/Credits:$5 students with ID and $10 non-student. Payment collected at the door.
Registration:Please indicate preference for session 6A or 6B. Email: .
Session #7 Growing Up Green Series - Early Steps to Nurturing Urban Nature Lovers
Time: Thursday, March 5, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Presenter: Urban Ecology Center (UEC) – – Matt Flower, NEEP Education, UEC Riverside Staff
Description:This workshop provides an opportunity for attendees to learn and share strategies on how to implement nature-based early childhood programming within our urban community.
Time:2 Identical Sessions Offered: Thursday March 5, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: Milwaukee Area Technical College – Main Building, 1015 N. Sixth Street, Room M605
Session Capacity:Approximately 130
Fees/Credits:Pay at door $5/ person with valid student ID; All others $10/ person. Fee waived with the donation of clean, gently used hats, scarves, mittens, snowpants, coats, or boots. Groups please register via single e-mail with participant list to Kirstin (below). Group donations accepted (inform Kirstin when registering).
Registration:Email Kirstin Anglea, the UEC Environmental Education Manager, at in advance to reserve your spot (payment or donation) taken at door.
Session #8 Growing Up Green Series - Sustainability thru Education @ Urban Ecology Center
Times (2 Identical Sessions Offered):8A. 9-11 am; 8B12-2 pm
Presenters: Urban Ecology Center (UEC) – Riverside Park: Chad Thomack (NEEP Educator), Jamie Ferschinger (Riverside Branch Manager)
Description:Attendees will move through a series of 3 mini-workshops that allow them to learn and experience how UEC uses sustainable practices in their building and programs. Experiences include 1) Sustainable Scavenger Hunt, 2) Interactive workshop, 3) Outdoor team-building activity.
Time:2 Identical Sessions Offered: 8a 9 - 11 a.m. 8b 12 - 2 p.m.
Location:Urban Ecology Center (UEC) – Riverside Park 1500 E. Park Place, http://urbanecologycenter.org
Session Capacity:30 (high school groups: does not include teachers) (this should be total cap., including all)
Fees/Credits:$5/ person. Payment will be taken when you arrive at the Center. Please email Kirstin Angela if you have questions. Fee waived with the donation of clean, gently used hats, scarves, mittens, snowpants, coats, or boots at check-in. Groups please register via single e-mail with participant list to Kirstin (below). Group donations accepted (inform Kirstin when registering).
Registration:Please indicate preference for session 8a or 8b. Email Kirstin Anglea, the UEC Environmental Education Manager, at in advance to reserve your spot (payment or donation taken at door).
Session #9 Building Engaged & Sustainable Communities One House at a Time
Times (2 Identical Sessions Offered): 9A 9 a.m.-11 a.m.; 9B 12 Noon -2 p.m
Presenter: Ben Koller, Founder & Director and Heart Haus Volunteers
Description: Experience first-hand the living-learning-working evolving environment that is the Heart Haus. Subgroups will rotate through a series of 3 planned experiential/ active learning exercises that exemplify the three principles inherent in building a sustainable community and future. Leave with a plan to be a change agent in your home, at your school and in your community.
Time: 2 Identical Sessions Offered: Session 9A. 9-11 am; Session 9B 12-2 pm
Location: *Heart Haus 325 E. Euclid Ave, Bay View WI
Session Capacity:24-30 total participants per session
Fees/Credits: Free, however donations can continue the Heart Haus mission
Registration: Register via email to Ben Koller at . Please specify session A or B.